Flight Simulator      Boeing 737NG               

    Boeing 737NG pictures>>                                                             Last update: January 2025

My single seat Boeing 737NG at
my favourite airport LOWI

2. Gen. Simulator  2025: News

Its been almost 4 years since there has been any news here. A little has happened in the period.

Many pilots and a single 737 pilot have told me that there is not enough feed back in the elevator stick. I have known about the problem for a long time but have postponed the solution. To get to the steering mechanism it was necessary to saw a big hole in the cockpit floor. More see Flight Controls.

An A
CARS printer is mounted on the Pedestal Bay. See more under Pedestal Bay

I have made new more realistic vol. buttons for the Audio Panels. On one of the Panels the light in the buttons work. No other functions work. See more under Pedestal Bay

I have also got some new software.
Navigraph Charts and Simlink. Now it is possible to find around in big airports
SimBrief for flight planning

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1.Gen. Simulator at August 2007
I have used MS Flight simulator since 1995. My Boeing 737 Simulator Project was started up 2006 with cockpit seat, controls and throttle levers. The controls were connected to my joystick by cables. All was placed on a base facing my old desktop computer.
In this simple and inexpensive simulator I have had many good flights until I changed over to a for me more complex simulator technique in 2009.

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Pilot seat was the very first part of my Flight Simulator Project (2006)

Dec 2012: Seat rebuilt to NG-style with headrest. On the same time the back rest has become adjustable.
June 2018:
The old straight rails replaced by new J-rails from Simujabs and home made bogies and seat lock.
July 2020: My home build Pilot Seat is now replaced by an old  IPECO pilot seat removed from a Boeing 737-400

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Flight Controls
Rebuild in the winter 2008-09 with potentiometers instead of my old joystick by cable solution.

Dec 2011: Nose wheel steering is working. It is now possible to handle the plane on ground at low speed (below 45 knots IAS) by the tiller in left side. Above 45 knots only the pedals is working.
March 2023:To increase elevator feel forces springs are exchanged to some about double so heavy springs. N
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Stick shaker
Build and installed March 2019.

On the AFT OH-Panel there are two Stall Warning Test bottoms. May be you can find a sound file to simulate the shaker, but I decided to design and build a real Stick shaker.  When you press test bottom the shaker start after some seconds and run for a short time. In flight it depend on Aircraft configuration weight etc. when the Stick shaker start up but you can hear it loud and clear and feel the vibration in the Yoke too.

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Throttle Quadrant
Build winter 2007-08. Electric wired and connected with computer 2009

Mar. 2014: After running ProSim the trim wheels also are working when flying with autopilot engaged. My noisy trim motor (Bosh accu drill machine) is therefore replaced by a small silent gear motor.
Apr. 2017: Throttle Levers motorized with DC Motor Plus Card from Opencockpits. Trim Wheel transmission  changed to gear belt instead of a chain. If not armed Spoiler now also deploy when reverser lever is moved and will be stowed again when throttle lever is moved forward. Reverser changed from switch to potentiometer control. Parking brake now with release solenoid. You need to use toe brake before set and release parking brake lever.

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OH- Panel
Engine Start- and light panel build in winter 2008-09. Feature: Electric Engine Starter switch cut out
Rest of the FWD OH-Panel inclusive instruments is built winter 2010-11.
2014: OH-Panel now alive with ProSim and OC interface cards
2015: Engine Start Switch now with push before turn function. Also new YAW-Damper and Wing Anti Ice switch with electromagnetic hold.

2019:  AFT OH-Panel add
2021: Gang Bar to switch on all four landing lights simultaneously
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Main Instrument Panel
Landing Gear lever unit build in winter 2007-08.
Has been replaced by a new unit Jan 2015 (see below)

May 2012: Also for the MIP I have used acrylic. Base panel in 3mm sheet cut in one piece. The different panel sections are also in 3mm and at last the 3mm light panels (Opencockpits and some home made). Frames for monitors are made of MDF.  An alu-profile in top and a profile of wood in bottom give the panel stiffness.
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Landing Gear Handle
New handle with on ground lock and working lock override finished Jan 2015.

The unrealistic function of my old handle from 2008 has worried me for a long time so Dec 2014  construction of a new more realistic version was started up.
Now you need to pull the handle about 8 mm before it can be moved up or down. If the plane is on ground a lock prevent the handle to be moved. When the plane is in the air a solenoid release the lock and  you can move the handle and get the gear up. If the solenoid should fail you can pull  the red trigger and then pull the handle further 7 mm and override the lock .

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Pedestal Bay
Pedestal build in winter 2010-11.
Dec. 2013: Pedestal finished with VHF1-,NAV1-,ADF1- and ATC Modules from Opencockpits. Dummy radios and the other panels for the pedestal are also from OC.
April 2014: Cargo Fire and Trim panel now working with ProSim.
Nov. 2014: New working NAV2 module replace my NAV2 dummy 
Feb. 2024: ACARS-printer installed in pedestal bay.
Sep. 2024:New volume buttons (with Light) News
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Mar. 2015: I purchased the FMC/CDU from Opencockpits. Some modifications of the CDU and the bay was necessary before the unit could fit in my old bay.
Frame for lower DU is ready.

Jan.2016: I purchased the CDU panel from Opencockpits for the 1. officers dummy CDU.

Mar.2016: An old 14" notebook monitor with a spec. LCD-controller board is now working as lower DU. 

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Engine Fire Panel
Engine Fire Panel build in winter 2010-11.

April 2014: Panel connected and it is now working fine with ProSim.

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Side Wall
June 2018: Cockpit extended with new build AFT Side Wall Liners and Window. FWD Side Wall and Window are rebuild at same time.
Glare Shield and Glare Wing rebuild to fit the new windshield position.

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June 2018: Old eye-brows rebuild. New build ceiling and FWD Drip Tray


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Cockpit Lamps
Cockpit Lamp for the left Side Wall and another Lamp for the Eyebrow Window build in winter 2010-11


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Feb. 2011.  At last I got my projector. I have now the Cockpit View
on a 120x160cm screen in front of my Cockpit. What a different it has really improved the simulator. Some times my brain get cheated and I feel the cockpit is moving.

Mar. 2014: My old DVI - VGA cable between PC and projector is now replaced by a 5 meter DVI - HDMI cable (price10 ). This has improved the outside view quality a lot.

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Switches and knobs
June 2011: Many different switches and knobs are used in the simulator. Most of the switches are miniature (7mm) model modified with a self made turned handle in aluminium.

See also my EFIS and MCP module (Opencockpits) with modified knobs and switch.
Dec. 2013: Self made special knobs for the Cargo fire panel, WX radar, Audio panels, Rudder trim and Cab. door lock panel are finished. I have also made new handles for the the four Landing light switches.
Dec. 2021:Some of the switches in my OH-panel replaced by new inexpensive lock toggle switches from Ali Express.              
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June 2011: 7 different gauges for the FWD-OH panel and a Flap Indicator are finished. Build in 3mm acryl and housing of 50mm PVC tube.  The needle is moved by a little RC servomotor directly or by by gear wheels if the movement has to be greater than 180 degrees or if a dual needle instrument. Gauge face is printed and the whole is covered by a 2 mm acryl glass.

May 2013: Yaw Damper and Brake Pressure gauge for the MIP are finished.
Jan. 2014: New dual needle pressure gauge.

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Various cockpit elements
Oxygen mask panel Oct. 2012
Fresh air panel Oct. 2012
Check board Oct. 2012
Left side wiper Oct. 2012
Magnetic standby compass is finished and now working Dec. 2013
iPAD tray Feb. 2014
New MAP-CHART light panel Feb. 2016
Rebuild Rudder Pedal adjustment and new liners Aug. 2018
Document pockets for left sidewall and throttle pedestal May 2019
ATC-sound to headset and/ or overhead speaker November 2020

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Electronics- PC- software etc.
I use I/O Cards from Opencockpits. USB Expansions Card, Master Card, USB Axis Card, USB Servos Card, USB Stepper Card, Relays Card and Connector Cards for easy in-/output connections.
Programming software SIOC.
2014: System logic and Display Units now by ProSim 737 Suite
2014: New PC and software
2017: The new DC Motor card for the Throttle has caused some changes in the interface card layout.
2019: AFT OH-Panel and Stick shaker has caused some changes in the interface card layout.

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Parts from my simulator project not longer in use. Updated December 2021

- Pilot Seat SOLD

- Sheep skin cover used from IPECO seat  SOLD

-Sheep skin cover Backrest for IPECO seat. SOLD

- LE DEVICE + IRS Panel from OC

-Toggle switches ON-ON

-Toggle switches ON-OFF-ON

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